
A healthy sport that is also fun

Family tobogganing | © IDM Südtirol-Alto Adige/Manuel Kottersteger
Family pulls a toboggan | © IDM Südtirol-Alto Adige/Manuel Kottersteger
Weekly programme and events
Couple with toboggan | © IDM Südtirol-Alto Adige/Alex Filz
Exciting descents with the whole family
Sledding in Kiens/Chienes

Skiing may not be the thing for everyone. But in any case, beyond the ski slopes and cross country skiing trails, there are still many other possibilities to experience in the winter.


A sledding excursion with family and friends is both fun and healthy. During the ascent, which of course takes place on foot, huge quantities of fresh, snowy air can be breathed and the stillness of the woods can be enjoyed. That is pure medicine for both body and spirit. Then the descent turns into a speedy, exuberant party.


Have you ever tried sledding by full moon? What can be better than enjoying a steaming, spicy cup of mulled wine with entertaining company and then venturing on a descent with a sled by moonlight?